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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  September 4, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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happen and entered the store. no crime was committed but the man, who had been in trouble with the past, said he walked away to avoid trouble. this happened as he walked home. >> hitting a black person with some sort of menace. >> they uncovered a lot, and the officer was charged with several crimes. all charges were dropped against the man, but not until after he had served four months in jail. >> imagine if that was your son or your daughter. >> prince george's county is looking for transparency, but the people we show the video to say it is clearly another blow to the department. >> they are as worse criminals as anybody else. >> the officer and the police
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department are being sued for $10 million. a police department spokesperson declined to comment today. brad bell, abc 7 news. >> folks you can see the video yourself as well as catch up on the investigation right now on also a storm watch. hot and humid. feeling more like july than september now. >> it sure is. normally thunderstorms would pop up from the area. people are still cleaning up after the flooding. we really do not need more. >> that is true. doug hill is in the weather center. >> especially tomorrow and then tomorrow night, we do not need more of it. let's go to our storm scan. showers across the mid-atlantic. a warm front moving in. maybe some remnants left over from is it.
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it is a soupy mess out there. that will be the story through the evening. but check out these temperatures. 88 at reagan national airport, but when you factor in the humidity it feels like 95. isolated showers and thunderstorms hours through the evening. more for you coming up. >> remember, you can get this information, including a look at the radar, any time on line. and also with the back for your -- the app for your iphone or android. and the fourth time this year one neighborhood has flooded, and it is really just as bad each time. they have not been offered much in terms of good news. we have more with suzanne tonight. >> take a look behind me.
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you can see the anxiety being felt here. sandbags at the doorstep of this brownstone. d.c. water says there is no immediate solution to the problem, and that is no consolation to the people who have endured repeated flooding and the only remedy they have is at least one decade off. the dehumidifiers are on overdrive in this condominium in washington. sunday night while he was out of town, his ground-level, 1- bedroom home was flooded forcing his baseboards to be ripped out and his roommate drawing documents in the sun. he estimates there was $10,000 in damage. >> it depends on if there is mold or not. we are not sure. >> his place was underwater again on sunday.
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he has lived through multiple floods, and he says he gets nervous when he hears it is going to rain. >> it is hard. there are a lot of people with tenants in the neighborhood. also in the basement apartment. >> according to d.c. water sunday night's storm dumped 3 inches they say there is little the agency could do to prevent the flooding. >> four of the five biggest storms in six years have been in the last six weeks, and that is what the system has not been, big enough to convey all of that water off. >> so what is the solution? according to d.c. water, it is a $600 million flood relief -- relief tunnel. >> thank you, suzanne. and now, it is time for the
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democrats to rally around their candidate. we have team coverage for you. and live in charlotte tonight. i look at what is happening there. hey, guys. >> we are not in denver anymore, toto. denver then, charlotte now. it is a different party. people like the president. they like him an awful lot but three out of four americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. an uphill battle. >> absolutely. it is an uphill battle. 40 percent just 40% of the voters believe the president should be reelected, but if you ask around, they will tell you they have got a plan.
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confidence is another question. >> there is no circumstance in which the election could be like it was in 2008. there is no way. yes, there are a lot of challenges out there. we are living in tough times. >> democrats will count on these folks, delegates like the ones from virginia heading back to the neighborhood to spread the message. >> yes you can be involved. yes, you can have this. >> a professor at shenandoah university. >> it is important to push for this. >> this is what got them here. the previous focus tonight. a keynote speech from a rising star and, of course, the headliner, michelle obama. admittedly this means somehow energizing the less than
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enthused with a small group of undecideds. >> the red states and the blue states together. everybody knows, those that are truly undecided, there is no way that they do that for barack obama. >> and one thing they hope to win over voters is, they say, they claim this is the most open and accessible in history by making the first and last night's free and open to the public. >> in florida, it is neck and neck. back to you. >> ok, gordon and scott, thanks to both of you. we will see you later. and costing millionsto plan, taxpayers pick up part of the tab. they spent $18 million in tax dollars, and now, it is the
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democrats' turn. they are using tax dollars to pay for the $573 bill at connolly's irish pub, 2007 hundred $34 at mi casa, and even $3,000 spent at the speedway club. we have live reports on abc 7 news at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00. leon? >> and high school sophomore has been indicted on 29 counts involved in a shooting. the charges against robert gladden. there was an antique shotgun he brought on the first day of school. students critically wounded. >> the first day of school is not always easy.
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and there is an ongoing battle that means it is not any better. this is underway and now, some students are forced to walk. we are live in arlington with more. jummy? >> there are those that used to take the bus last year but those stocks have been eliminated, and that means they did not get a voucher. they will be walking to school on rocks like the one we are on right now. this school is across a very busy multipane intersection, and some parents we have talked to say absolutely not no way, for their students. >> in the dark. >> she refused to let her son walk to school this morning. instead, her husband drove. one of about 1500 arlington
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county students that were now beginning to school this year without a school bus. it is all part of a brand new policy that forces students to live within 1 mile radius of the school to walk. >> initially we were stunned. >> many parents say that their issue is not necessarily with walking but with safety. there is a busy roadway including sycamore street and military road. >> 1 mile away. a 35 minute walk and for kindergartners or first graders they cannot do that. >> they are trying to make bus service more efficient in a growing county. they say parents that take issue can make an appeal that will be listened to by the department. some say they will be walking with their kids are driving them to school. >> taking friend's home a car
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pool we cannot rely on the walking every day. it is just not reasonable for him. >> as parents decide to file for an appeal, school officials said they should hear back in about two to three weeks, and if their child is accepted, they will be given a voucher. we just heard one hour ago from the one we heard from earlier in the story. she said they would request it, but it was denied. reporting live jummy olabanji. >> see what has been done to keep another tragedy from happening. >> and the safety of what is inside your iphone. hackers, and how they got the information from the fbi. >> and information beginning t
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>> firefighters are continuing to battle the mess the wildfires in the national forest. they have set out a team to deal with it, but it could take one week before the fire is
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contained. it has already damaged nearly 4,000 acres. because of the fire has still yet to be determined. >> it has been one week now since hurricane isaac hayes the coast, and fema officials are still trying to assess the damage. they say is it damaged at least 13,000 homes in louisiana. state leaders say the devastation is nowhere near cleaned up, but the mayor says progress has been made. >> 97% of the power is restored, and we expect to get that beyond 3% really, really soon. in new orleans proper, we are doing fine. i think the number one story is president obama has been fantastic. the white house has been involved from day one. >> people still in shelters tonight, and also, some low- lying areas are still covered by several feet of water. >> and on top of that, there is the sweltering heat. >> yes.
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the heat and humidity. we are immunological autumn for a few days. there are high dew points, showers and downpours. it looks like that just about the time we get out of it on friday we will be going into the weekend. from the weather center, some time-lapse from the rooftop camera looking across the city. every now and again, some sunshine and a shower here and there, but so far, not much. mostly everything has been in the east. in silver spring 86, a high of 90. this is bringing in the humid air. western washington 84 degrees and eloquent. they have picked up some rain so far. a few more showers near annapolis, and this is kicking them out here and there on the map. isolated showers and downpours this evening. getting into tomorrow, i think the radar map will be busier
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with widespread showers and thunderstorms, especially as a cold front approaches. it looks like friday is our one day without showers and storms. they will be back again on saturday. his here it is, a tropical mess of moisture. not much to trigger the atmosphere to fire off some of these storms. some of this is probably running like this, and in some places what is left of the circulation of isaac. bob ryan and i tried this afternoon to figure out exactly where that remnant is of isaac. we do not know. it is very, very weak but it is just enough to mix in with this warm moist air to fire up these storms. tomorrow night, a cold front comes in, and it starts to settle things down briefly. 85 for us in washington, 86 in charleston 87 in raleigh. there are a few other spots that are cooler. the dewpoint right around 70 or
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higher, it is very, very humid, and washington 74 degrees, but it feels like it is 95 out right now. another warm and humid day tomorrow. the moisture ahead of this cold front, and it will probably come through tomorrow evening and on thursday we will see a little improvement in that there will be more sunshine. and then a sad little bauble of pressure moving in on friday. no rain in amber frey the forecast. there are the showers and storms. slightly drier air near 90 degrees on thursday with partly cloudy skies. as it through thursday, an isolated storm is possible. here is what we have for tomorrow. a very warm and humid day about 90 degrees, scattered showers and thunderstorms becoming more likely, and then through thursday an isolated thunderstorm near 90 degrees and no rain to mention in the friday forecast, but the computer models show a pretty strong system will make its way
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in our direction bringing increasing chances of rain followed by somewhat cooler weather by the beginning of next week. >> all right. >> enjoy your black friday. >> a good deal. and a violent attack at the market in the district. >> and people are looking to see if there are any similarities between this attack and a similar one, one that put a man in a hospital with injuries. jennifer donelan has more from washington. >> that is right. the victim of that earlier attack, we just spoke with his wife. he has been able to write a letter said that has been amazing news for them. they confirmed they are taking a hard look at what what happened earlier this morning. this has a community already on edge. d.c. police say a man was attacked just four blocks away. another was attacked 2.5 weeks
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ago. he was hit in the head so hard during the robbery, doctors had to remove part of his skull. two brain surgeries later his family says he is working hard every day to recover. there has been momentous victory for his family. another man was robbed and this time near brent elementary. >> up my god, it happen here again. it is pretty scary. >> i work right here and i walk home. >> police are investigating whether the two men involved are the same man responsible sources say the most recent victim was hit in the head, but not as severely as the first. because he has not been able to
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talked they are using this surveillance video on pennsylvania avenue. police say the man who tried to use a stolen credit card it was 30 minutes after the man was last seen walking home. that is the corner right there where we understand that this robbery/assault occurred. we had heard that there had indeed been another attack. anyone with information on either of these cases is asked to call police. jennifer donelan, abc 7 news. >> thank you. still ahead a controversial book on the compound of osama bin laden is out. >> plus, another reason to not to stay slim. we will tell you tonight about a study that compares weight
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gain and your anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a neworld-class resort casino in prince george's county. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent,
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good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposeto. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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>> well, the big secret that was really not a secret as of a couple of weeks ago is now official. >> yes there is a replacement to regis philbin. >> kellie -- kelly ripa got the welcome of a man of his stature. >> it gives me great pleasure to introduce you the newest member of our family, michael strahan. >> it was a former new york giants football star that producer said was the best fit. >> individually and the chemistry was there. >> the first thing you notice
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about this bear? she is 5 foot 3 inches, in he is 6 feet, 5 inches. >> it is nice to have him almost literally sweep you off your feet, and i know that he can bench press me if he wanted to. >> do you think having you on the show will grow the audience? >> i hope so. i think being here will be a different demographic, i think being from a sports background and a football/macho background. it might have been in the stars. >> what are you going to do with the rest of your life? what do you think you are going to do? >> well, there is a show that i am on right now, it may be, you want to -- [laughter] >> regis philbin stepped down from the show last year. a singer josh grobin, and seth
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myers or also in the running but it took him to fill the shoes. abc 7 news, new york. >> all right, coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00 racing to clean up from one year ago.
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before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms.
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with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. mitt romney's position on women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford d to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care.
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vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have fac a crisis like this in decades. >> you are watching abc 7 news at 5:00, with leon harris, alison starling, the weather with doug hill and sports with tim brant. this is abc 7 news at 5:00. >> two 19-year-old women were killed when a train derailed. the deaths were a huge blow to
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the community, and now some safety measures are being put into place to prevent a similar incident. horace holmes has more from ellicott city. >> they continue their investigation, and the workers continued the tedious task of cleaning up and repairing the track at the scene of last month's huge train derailment that killed two college students sitting on the train bridge in ellicott city. now, a fence has been put up to keep people off of the bridge and away from the tracks. the 19-year-olds rose and elizabeth, tweeted these pictures just before the train crashed. the train goes right through the middle of ellicott city and has for almost two centuries. people always walk near the track, but now there is a call to make this temporary fence permanent.
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>> people come to congregate. >> traffic is moving. >> they are trying to keep things alive even as they struggle. >> horace holmes, abc 7 news. >> time for a look at the other stock -- top stories. heavy rains it damage to the basements, in even shutting down the metro station. unfortunately, they do not have a way to fix the problem. >> a community is on edge falling another violent attack in one area on north carolina avenue near brent elementary. investigators are looking at similarities between this attack and one that recently put a man
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in a hospital with severe injuries. >> the democratic national convention is under way. trying to get president obama reelected. michelle obama will be there in support of her husband. >> diane sawyer is in charlotte tonight, with more on what we will see tonight. we joined diane sawyer, where she has moved from tampa to charlotte with the rest of the political world. diane, what do you have for us tonight? >> here at the democratic national convention, all eyes are on michelle obama, and we learned how she is preparing for her big speech and we also had an interview with the keynote speaker. and, by the way, what about his identical twin brother who is going to introduce him tonight? and gas prices rising across the country.
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>> we look forward to it. as always, diane, thank you. you can see "world news" right after abc 7 news at 6:00. >> traffic and parking. starting friday, woodmont avenue will be closed for nearly two years in one area and that means drivers will no longer be able to use it to get to wisconsin ave. they are working on two high- rises and a change to one of the biggest parking lots in the area. >> and circling for a parking space because the new telegraph road lot open today in woodbridge adding 700 new spaces. it is across from the largest commuter lot on it -- in the state, there at horner road. >> let's get a check of the
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evening's traffic situation. hi. >> leon, this is the inner loop, slow traffic actually barely moving past old georgetown road with an accident. some lanes closed. an accident on the outer loop near university blvd.. that is cleared. there are lanes coming not from prince george's county. moderate delays going up into frederick county. springfield also looking good. 95 southbound, slow traffic briefly across the occoquan, moving into dumfries as well. back to you. >> all right chris thank you so much. still ahead on abc 7 news at 5:00 the birthday of the best known breakfast sandwich. the mclaughlin -- mcmuffin. and a book from a navy seal who helped to take down osama bin laden.
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sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, x: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering d i found myself the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which h is actually quite fitting because ico has been ser ng e military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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>> that controversial book about the raid on the osama bin laden compound is now in seat --
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stores. >> it is under investigation by the pentagon. they want to know more. we have the latest. >> no easy day hit bookstores today. it is the first insider account of the dramatic raid that led to the death of the most wanted terrorist. orders have been called in at the bookstore in northwest washington and in virginia beach, some stores are already sold out. the author is a 36-year-old former navy seal who was there when he was killed. his account offers new details of the raid. he said that the team went up the stairs of the bin laden compound. two shots were fired. by the time he got inside, bin laden was on the floor not standing up, as had been first reported and then they made sure he was dead.
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>> new information. >> his real name was leaked out. he said he changed his name to protect. he had his name and identity hidden then. >> this does not bad mouth either party. >> it is what they were calling a material breach of nondisclosure items. >> it is quite incredible that someone who is to be protecting this information did not think to have this review. >> in a meantime, his lawyer said he did not violate any agreement or break the law. from the newsroom, natasha barrett, abc 7 news. >> coming up next, what you eat.
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>> your child's weight and how well they will learn in school. >> coming up and fbi computer containing information about millions of apple devices hacked.
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>> for anyone who owns an iphone or and ipad -- >> 1 hacking group has released more than 1 million personal codes from the gadgets. is yours on the list? 7 on your side has more, on whether you are in danger of being hacked. chris? >> we do not know if a data breach has been involved. every devised has a unique number. it is information that for many of people, it could have fallen into the hands of hackers. at the center of the alleged patent of an fbi computer are more than 12 million numbers like this one, the unique apple udid which works also for the ipad and the itouch.
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it has user names, names of device, a type of device service tokens zip codes and other information. today, they posted 1 million of them. a devoted iphone user word of today's data dump has her worries. >> pretty much everything i have that has my name on it. it is so much easier to have everything on your iphone then to have to go to a computer. >> this is really weird white people go online and start getting your information without saying it is ok. >> they call this privacy breach a possible catastrophe in a block today. one person says based on what appears to have been released, the potential danger it could
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be identity theft. >> you cannot reset your udid. the only way out is to buy a new device. >> apple has not commented but they say they are aware of the media report at the fbi and they say there is no evidence that the fbi sought or obtained this data. we have more information online. kris van cleave, abc 7 news. >> the official end of summer labor day, people are now thinking about shopping. toys "r" us might be trying to compete with other retailers. layaway plans have become more popular duke to the economy. >> there is a new study that involves teenagers and their weight, it seems that being overweight can stunt young brains. metabolic syndrome.
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it includes obesity, pre- diabetes and high blood pressure. those with the disorder have significantly lower math and spelling scores and a short attention span. >> the anniversary of one of the country's favorite breakfast. the egg mcmuffin, on a toasted english muffin in case you did not know. >> over 30. and a quick reminder now about our latest facebook contest. >> yes and we are giving away a brand new ipad. you have until friday afternoon to sign up on there will be an announcement on "good morning washington." and now, here is a look at what
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we have coming up tonight on abc 7 prime time. we have tim brant at 8:00, and then "happy endings" at 9:00, the democratic national convention at 10:00, and then we hope you would join us here for abc 7 news at 11:00. a good show. >> let's see what is coming up on abc 7 news at 6:00. >> maureen bunyan is here. >> tonight at 6:00 gordon peterson and scott thuman have coverage from the democratic national convention. we have a report on how they are focusing on women. and seven is on your side with two key figures taking a stand in the controversy of new york city about limiting the size of a soda. we will have those stories and much more when you join me at
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6:00. >> thank you for elevating the conversation. we appreciate it. we will see you. >> where would we be without her? >> i know. and we know where we are with doug hill tonight. >> a very warm and humid evening, cloudy skies, and looking at our rooftop camera, one of the two we have some clouds with a glimmer of sun. this will be our story straight through the evening hours. and we are keeping our eyes open for some ice with showers that will be popping up. this goes through charlotte and the piedmont of north carolina. some rain later tonight. and then a cold front. this will enter into the mix tomorrow. more showers and storms. at the eastern shore isolated showers here and there and there will be more widespread showers moving in.
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some cooler readings in the viewing area 84 in manassas 85 in annapolis 85 at reagan national but it feels more more because of the humidity. it feels like 92. the wind, not exactly a cool wind. a very damp, warm wind coming out of the south 70 miles per hour right now. a little bit of sunshine showers and storms becoming more numerous through the day tomorrow, and then on friday, a dry day. showers and storms, it is beginning to look more and more light rain will be on the weekends. live super doppler 7 radar and other weather stuff on you can find the very latest weather blog posted there, and that gives you the very latest on leslie and michael. no trouble whether heading to the continental u.s. anytime
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soon. back to you. >> all right thanks, doug. >> make sure you get that in. >> do not worry. mentioning a pennant race in washington, people would laugh but it is real. 28 games left to play. it is september. and in baseball, it does not get any better than this. the nationals are getting ready for tonight's game with the cubbies. 30 games over 500 with 82 wins. henie numbers for washington for anyone but listen. -- heady numbers. >> we want to have more than 82 and right now. we are just going to keep playing the game that we are planning. >> a great attitude from the rookie. and kicking up tomorrow night with the dallas cowboys and the
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new york giants. the redskins play the saints sunday afternoon as you know. on abc 7 we jump straight into our pro football preview in primetime. >> what we thought this franchise needed. we put a little bit of a jolt in it. >> i am at a point in my career where i am focused on one goal. >> nfl football is back. >> "tim brant's pro football preview." >> we will hear from one of the most successful owners in the nfl.
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rg iii you will hear from all of them. it all starts on abc 7 at 8:00. it is going to be fun.
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>> the space shuttle endeavor's trip is facing a problem. nearly 400 trees have to be cut down. the science center says it will plant 800 trees to make up for the loss but some say the new trees will be too small and not provide enough shade. and people driven from their home by floodwaters. they are hoping to go home soon. >> it district -- destroyed several hamas at holly acres in woodbridge. inspectors are due to be out
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there any day now. stephen tschida has more. >> it is bad. >> the water swept through the low lying acres of holly acres and made its way into many mobile homes and turned the neighborhood into a mangled and mold the mess. -- and moldy mess. >> one family returns regularly to their home. right now, it is uninhabitable but not hopeless. >> they do not give back to us so -- >> a group of volunteers showed up today. >> putting in new floors. mildew.
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>> like other former residents whose homes are still standing he wants to return as soon as possible. >> that would be a good thing. >> the volunteers will be back here tomorrow. they hope inspectors from prince william county will also be out here to give a green light to the families who want to return. stephen tschida, abc 7 news. >> all right, thank you. that is it for abc 7 news at 5:00. the democratic national convention coverage and abc 7 news at 6:00. captioned by the national captioning institute >> and up first at 6:00 all eyes are on charlotte as the democrats get their chance to present their message to the nation. >> first lady michelle obama and will speak at the first night of the democratic national convention. abc 7 is your elections station, and gordon peterson and scott
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thuman are live inside the time warner rena in charlotte. >> -- the time warner arena in charlotte. >> david axelrod the strategists, he was telling us it was going to be different because they do not have to introduce the president to the rest of the world. they say they can look at this with those still making up their minds, and the way to do that is by those still making up their minds. >> speaking of women as everybody knows, the two most beloved women in barack obama's life are his wife, anne valerie jarrett talked at a breakfast. she said that he is running as an underdog, and we always run as the underdog, even if


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